Edward Fausty Studio: Professional

   Photography and Digital Printing Services


    1290 Birch Street      Boonton, NJ 07005       edward@edwardfausty.com      973-265-0310








Professional Photography and

Digital Pigment Printing Services

As a natural extension of my own photographic and printing work, I offer these same services to others. Since 2001, it has been an enjoyable priviledge to work collaboratively with painters, printmakers, sculptors, photographers and others in the production and reproduction of their work.


Services I offer are:

Digital pigment printing on fine papers (including uncoated fine art papers), canvas ,and synthetic papers using Epson P9000, a 44" wide digital pigment printer with Epson HDR pigments

High and low resolution photography of two and

three dimensional artwork, reflective scanning

Color correction, editing and management of

digital files

Design and outsourced printing of catalogs,

postcards, posters and flyers


price list





















           price list

     in the studio                                   all works copyright artist named  

Amina Ahmed, Stone and Circles, digital collage on Moab Entrada paper,

approximately 40"x55"   Scans of drawings and painting were layered and

blended in collaboration with the artist.   

Elizabeth Harington, after Bach's Fugue #8 in E Minor, expanded etching, 20"x 30"

on Rives BFK paper, 2005   a small cropped section of an etching was scanned and

printed large, revealing the latent distressed markings and paper fibers.

Jessica Lenard, Barber, from the original monoprint on buff paper,

printed on uncoated Arches Cover paper. Both the image and the

buff paper color have been faithfully reproduced, giving the copy

the uncanny look and feel of the original.

Tim Daly, Southwest View from Witpenn Bridge, digital pigment on Moab Entrada eggshell surface

fine art paper, 24"x48"   reproduction of original painting, acrylic on canvas  500 reproductions of

16 different Daly paintings are on permanent display at the Heldrich Hotel in New Brunswick,  N J.

Bruce Waldman, Man on Beach, digital pigment reproduction (on Moab Entrada Natural)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art acquired the original monoprint.

Karen Kemball, Figures Walking, hybrid color/bw photograph printed on Rives BFK paper,
variable size.

Artist David Cerulli inspecting Deluge Expanded, a 14-foot print. The original painting is a
square. It was photographed at very high resolution and stretched to print long.
Feng Xiao inspecting 23-foot printout of Maggie Ens's
entire 4-wall exhibit Awl and the Gift of String at Caelum
Gallery in Chelsea, New York City. When folded, this
print becomes an accordion fold book. Edward photographed
the exhibit as a panorama, designed and printed the body of
the book. Maggie has added the cover (not shown).